
Fallout shelter editor wiki
Fallout shelter editor wiki

fallout shelter editor wiki

Every few hours pull them back and then send them back out. Just keep an eye on them and pull them back often using recall until you feel comfortable leaving them out there based on the gear they have equipped. Send the person with the highest Endurance to explore at the start of the game, you need them to find items. Once you have the power requirements to handle the merged room, upgrade the room until they merge. When you are need more of a resource, put a new room beside the upgraded one. The best way so far, is to place one room, select it, and upgrade it by clicking the arrow where the hammer usually is. Do not place another of the same room type right beside the previous room right away, as it will merge the rooms into a bigger room. When you make a new floor, start out with one room. Leave the couple in the room that the tutorial has you put in living space. Devote a floor to a task - living, food, power, etc. Follow this tutorial, and after you finish, start making floors.

fallout shelter editor wiki

Leave a like and don't forget to favorite!ĮDIT: Thank you all who liked my guide, now it has 5 star rating! Thanks for your big support!Įarly game, the tutorial has you set things up close together.

Fallout shelter editor wiki